"Sharding = Shared + Nothing"
Database Sharding is a type of database partitioning that separates very large databases into smaller, faster, more easily managed horizontal partitions called data shards.
Sharding in MongoDB
"MongoDB’s sharding system allows users to partition a collection within a database to distribute the collection’s documents across a number of mongod instances or shards. Sharding increases write capacity, provides the ability to support larger working sets, and raises the limits of total data size beyond the physical resources of a single node." as per the MongoDB Manual.
So when the amount of data that needs to be stored exceeds the storage limit of a single physical resource, a sharded cluster needs to be deployed. Every horizontal partition called "shard" stores a part of the entire dataset. Sharding enables distribution of data, but to have this distributed data replicated as well, each shard should be a Replica Set. For more details on Replica Set, refer to my previous post.
Database Sharding is a type of database partitioning that separates very large databases into smaller, faster, more easily managed horizontal partitions called data shards.
Sharding in MongoDB
"MongoDB’s sharding system allows users to partition a collection within a database to distribute the collection’s documents across a number of mongod instances or shards. Sharding increases write capacity, provides the ability to support larger working sets, and raises the limits of total data size beyond the physical resources of a single node." as per the MongoDB Manual.
So when the amount of data that needs to be stored exceeds the storage limit of a single physical resource, a sharded cluster needs to be deployed. Every horizontal partition called "shard" stores a part of the entire dataset. Sharding enables distribution of data, but to have this distributed data replicated as well, each shard should be a Replica Set. For more details on Replica Set, refer to my previous post.
Sample Document
A Sharded Cluster in MongoDB
The figure above denotes a Sharded Cluster, where each Shard is a Replica Set which ensures that each portion of the data lying on different physical devices has a copy for backup in case of failures. As depicted, here the Document 1 is distributed across all shards.
Deploying a Sharded Cluster
A Sharded Cluster consists of
Deploying a Sharded Cluster
A Sharded Cluster consists of
- 1 config server(3 for production cluster)
- 1 mongos connecting the config server(s) (1 or more for production cluster)
- 1 shard i.e. a replica set of a standalone machine(2+ for production cluster)
For testing purpose you can also deploy all the above three daemons, on the same machine keeping in mind that the ports on which they would run have to be different. Following setups will guide how to assign a different port to each daemon process. Here we are assuming that you are using a single node(for eg. to run all the daemons, in case of multiple machines use their respective ip addresses.
Step 1: Config Server Setup
Follow the Step 1 and 2 as given in the MongoDB Standalone Setup post.
Config Server requires a config db location which can be specified in the startup command using the --dbpath option. Before this, we need to create it and change its permissions and ownership to the user running MongoDB. Use the following command to setup the config db path of your choice. Here taking "/data/configdb"
Step 1: Config Server Setup
Follow the Step 1 and 2 as given in the MongoDB Standalone Setup post.
Config Server requires a config db location which can be specified in the startup command using the --dbpath option. Before this, we need to create it and change its permissions and ownership to the user running MongoDB. Use the following command to setup the config db path of your choice. Here taking "/data/configdb"
mkdir -p /data/configdb
sudo chmod -R 777 /data/configdb sudo chown groupName:userName /data/configdb -R |
Start the Config Server by running the following command on
mongod --configsvr --dbpath /data/configdb --port 27018
This would start the config server on the machine at port 27018.
Step 2: MongoS Instance Setup
Here we only need to follow the Step 1 and 2 as given in the MongoDB Standalone Setup post. No other MongoS specific configuration needs to be done. To start MongoS Server run
Step 2: MongoS Instance Setup
Here we only need to follow the Step 1 and 2 as given in the MongoDB Standalone Setup post. No other MongoS specific configuration needs to be done. To start MongoS Server run
mongos --configdb --port 27019
Here, the --configdb option lists the ip:port of the config servers that the mongos server is supposed to connect to and on what port they are running. In case of multiple config servers the command would be like:
mongo --configdb, --port 27019
Step 3: Setting up the Shards
As mentioned above, each shard is a Replica Set and every member of a Replica Set is a MongoD Instance. For setting up a Shard you need to create a Replica Set first, follow my previous post for achieving the same.
For testing purpose, we can also setup a standalone MongoD Server to add to the cluster as a shard. Follow the steps for setting up a standalone MongoD Instance as given in this post.
Having started the MongoD daemon using
/bin/mongod --config /pathToFile/mongod.conf
on all you need is to add this node as a shard to the cluster.
Step 4: Adding Shards to the Cluster
For adding shards, you need a MongoS terminal which can be opened by hitting the following command:
Step 4: Adding Shards to the Cluster
For adding shards, you need a MongoS terminal which can be opened by hitting the following command:
mongo mongos_instance_ip:mongos_port
where the "mongos_instance_ip" is the ip address of the machine on which MongoS daemon is running at port "mongos_port".
In our example the command would be
In our example the command would be
which would open a mongos terminal.
In the terminal fire commands like
In the terminal fire commands like
to add as many shards you want.
For eg, here since we have a standalone mongod instance as a shard, we will use
For eg, here since we have a standalone mongod instance as a shard, we will use
You can check the successful execution of the above command using
in the mongos terminal.
Note: After version 2.0.3, when adding a Replica Set as a shard to the cluster, it is not mandatory to add all nodes in the replica set using sh.addShard(). Adding one of the nodes of the Replica Set would enable mongos to discover all other members and add them to the shard automatically.
For eg. if you have a replica set named "replSet01" which has 2 members and, to add this replica set as a shard to the above cluster you would use
Note: After version 2.0.3, when adding a Replica Set as a shard to the cluster, it is not mandatory to add all nodes in the replica set using sh.addShard(). Adding one of the nodes of the Replica Set would enable mongos to discover all other members and add them to the shard automatically.
For eg. if you have a replica set named "replSet01" which has 2 members and, to add this replica set as a shard to the above cluster you would use
and this would automatically add both and as a member of the shard being added.
Before version 2.0.3, it is required to specify all the replica set members to be added to the sharded cluster like
Before version 2.0.3, it is required to specify all the replica set members to be added to the sharded cluster like
Hope this post was a helping hand to you in testing out Sharding in MongoDB.
All the Best.
Hi Jayati.
ReplyDeleteI am getting some error in sharding cluster
mongos> db.runCommand( { addshard : "set_b/,", name : "shard2" } )
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "in seed list set_b/,, host does not belong to replica set set_b"
but able to add 1 shard successfully.
Thanks Jayati, Really helpful to understand and configure Sharding in Mongodb
ReplyDeleteGreat Blog. Keep it Up!
ReplyDeleteIsn't this a bad idea: "sudo chmod -R 777 /data/configdb" (777 on the data dir)?