Thursday, May 26, 2011

Frequent Errors during Installation or Startup of Oozie Server

In spite of the fact that, Oozie Installation Steps have been entered down quite intelligibly and makes one hallucinate it as a matter of a few minutes, but as per my experience, its not that easy.. So, to somehow make it easy for you, one of my previous post is a jest of all those docs that are meant to help you install Oozie. Still here in this post, I am providing the solution to the 5 most common errors that you might have unfortunately encountered.

Error 1 :

Cannot create /var/run/oozie/ Directory nonexistent                               

Solution : 
Changing the permissions of the run folder as in
sudo chmod -cR 777 ./run 
sudo chown root:root -R /var/run/

Error 2 :

put: Permission denied: user=jt, access=WRITE, inode="user":root:supergroup:rwxr-xr-x

Solution :
Add the following entry to your hadoop setup's conf/hdfs-site.xml 

Error 3 :

put:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.SafeModeException:Cannot create directory /user/jt/examples. Name node is in safe mode.

Solution :
Use "hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave" command to make the namenode leave safe mode forcefully. 
Or use "hadoop dfsadmin -safemode wait" to block till NN leaves by itself. 
If you need to get your cluster up and running quickly, you can manipulate the parameter dfs.namenode.threshold.percent. 
If you set it to 0, NN will not enter safe mode. 

Error 4 :

E0902: Exception occured: [ Call to localhost/ failed on local exception:]

Solution : 
Check whether the port nos of jobtracker and namenode are correctly set in the file of the application you are running. 

Error 5 :

Hadoop StartUp Issue :  Hadoop fs command not working and datanode is not running                                      

Solution : 
localpath_to_hadoop_data_store/dfs/data/current/VERSION and localpath_to_hadoop_data_store/dfs/name/current/VERSION  should have the same ids , if they are not change that of the datanode(s) .

If these included one of the points where you were stuck up, I hope to have helped you. All the very best for Oozie ...


  1. You should never ever change the default permissions on the /var/run directory.

    Much much less give rwx to the whole world in the machine, that is a security flaw.

    What you need to do is change the permission to the specific directory used by oozie and for the specific user that runs oozie (if it is root, only give rwx access to the root user).

  2. Error: E0902 : E0902: Exception occured: [ Call to localhost/ failed on local exception:]

    The same error is repeated .despite all the cahnges..
    Actually im using two users oozie for oozie installed in /usr/lib and hduser for hadoop installed in /usr/local

    So is there anything should i do to enable all the permissions

    please help!!!

  3. Thank you very much!helped me a lot!!

  4. Error: HTTP error code: 500 : Internal Server Error

    I am getting the above error, when running the following command

    bin/oozie job -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -config examples/apps/map-reduce/ -run

    Can you please help me..

  5. ok the fix to my error is simple. Do not use localhost or port number in examples/apps/map-reduce/ use hostname. Do not ask me 'y' or 'how' but the fix worked. The blog was useful. Thanks.

    1. Can you publish the that you used for this?.

  6. Glad that it worked for you !!!

  7. while running hive script in oozie i got a jobid when if check in webconsole it is showing as killed.when i check job log it is showing the above error

    Launcher ERROR, reason: Main class [org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.HiveMain], main() threw exception, Permission denied

    i am using cloudera 4.1.1 and oozie 3.2.0
    please help me out

  8. Hi I am getting the following error while running the example
    Error: E0902 : E0902: Exception occured: [org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException: Unauthorized connection for super-user: hduser from IP]
