As mentioned in my previous post, this post is an attempt to help you run the sample S4 appilcations open sourced by Yahoo.
- Linux (tried on ubuntu 9.04)
- Java 1.6
- Maven
- S4 Communication Layer
- S4 Core
Setting up the S4 environment
In order to build an S4 application of your own, you need to setup the S4 core , comm and examples(optional) directories as follows:
1. Create a directory /S4/s4image at some location of your choice (assuming /home/abc)
In order to build an S4 application of your own, you need to setup the S4 core , comm and examples(optional) directories as follows:
1. Create a directory /S4/s4image at some location of your choice (assuming /home/abc)
- mkdir S4;cd S4/;mkdir s4image;cd s4image/
2. In this s4image directory, we can either download the S4 core tarball or build S4 core ourself. Going by the latter option,
- git clone
- git clone
You can check core and comm folders created in the s4image directory.
3. Building the comm and core folder
- cd comm
- mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.hadoop -DartifactId=zookeeper -Dversion=3.1.1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=lib/zookeeper-3.1.1.jar
- mvn install
- cd ../core
- mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.esotericsoftware -DartifactId=kryo -Dversion=1.01 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=lib/kryo-1.01.jar
- mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.esotericsoftware -DartifactId=reflectasm -Dversion=0.8 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=lib/reflectasm-0.8.jar
- mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.esotericsoftware -DartifactId=minlog -Dversion=1.2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=lib/minlog-1.2.jar
- mvn assembly:assembly install
After successfully running these, you can locate the /core/target/s4_core-
- cd target/
- tar xzf s4_core-*.tar.gz
4. Building the examples folder
- cd /home/abc/S4/s4image
- git clone
An examples directory should have been created along with comm and core.
Running the examples
To have an understanding of the structure of an S4 app, running a few examples is recommended. For a start, try to run the speech01 example:
Running the examples
To have an understanding of the structure of an S4 app, running a few examples is recommended. For a start, try to run the speech01 example:
- cd /home/abc/S4/s4image/examples/speech01
- mvn assembly:assembly install
- cd /home/abc/S4/s4image/core/target/s4_apps/
- tar xzf /home/abc/S4/s4image/examples/speech01/target/speech01-*.tar.gz
- cd /home/abc/S4/s4image/core/target/bin
- ./ &
- head -10 /home/abc/S4/s4image/examples/testinput/speeches.txt | \ ./ -x -r 2 -u /home/abc/S4/s4image/core/target/s4_apps/speech01/lib/speech01- -
In my next post, would be on "how to build your own S4 application". Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.